Euganean Hills Nature Reserve
The Euganean Hills Nature Reserve has been acknowledged for its great historical/naturalistic interest by the Veneto Regional Administration Which monitors and protects the local area and its flora and fauna.
It promotes the trails and natural sites in the Euganean Hills area.
Go to the website: www.parcocollieuganei.com

Consorzio tutela vini D.O.C. Colli Eugenie
The Consortium for the Protection of the Euganean Hills DOC wines promotes and protects DOC wines. The majority of wineries and bottlers in the area are members.
The Cantina Colli Euganei Cooperative is also a member of the consortium.
Go to the website: www.collieuganeidoc.com

Azienda Turismo Padova Terme Euganee
The Padua and the Terme Euganee Tourism Association promotes the province of Padua and provides information on tours, museums, events and much more.
Go to the website: www.turismopadova.it

Meteorological Centre
The Meteorological Centre in Teolo gives information in real time and weather forecasts for the entire Veneto region using radar located on the Montegrande hill.
It is linked to the Arabba Avalanche Centre and supplies the phytosanitary bulletin for the region.
Go to the website: www.arpa.veneto.it